Friday 4 June 2010

Health & Wellbeing special in June's Living In Magazines

The June issue is back from the printers and is hitting the streets in the next day or so. Both Living In Richmond & Kew and Living In Barnes & East Sheen are big issues this month, which is great. If you're keen on health & fitness, check out the articles as this issue is a Health & Wellbeing special, with lots of great businesses advertising their services.

And yes, as June is finally here that means the Kew Midsummer Fete is only a days away! Yikes! So much time and preparation has gone into making this event happen, I can't believe that June 19th is almost here.

Of course all of us on the organising committee are desperately hoping for a sunny day but hey, this is England in June, it could be freezing or sizzling hot! Please do come along, eat some delicious food, buy some lovely treats and listen to some fab entertainment. All in aid of local charities! As well as dashing around making sure things are running smoothly I'll also be on my Living In Magazines stall, with the lovely Debbie doing the face painting (believe me, you don't want it to be me trying to paint your child's face...), so do come and say hello.

See you there!

Wednesday 2 June 2010

June Editions now online to view and read

living in magazines for richmond & kew and barnes & east sheen

You'll find the latest June 2010 editions of Living in Richmond and Kew and Living in Barnes and East Sheen available online to read via our website - Living In Magazines.

To make sure you don't miss out on future editions the minute they're published online, why not subscribe to our RSS Feed?