Monday 6 June 2011

The joys of blogging

As someone who writes for a living I'm being incredibly bad at keeping up with my blog! Somehow, training for and then running a marathon (yes, i finished it all in one piece!), keeping up with twitter and facebook, publishing a couple of magazines, trying to control three kids and everything else in life, the blog seems to have suffered.

Must do better as I really enjoy doing it!

The fabulous June issues are now out - I just have to send out copies to all my lovely customers and drop off a couple of hundred at the regular drop off points. Raining hard outside now, so will probably have to leave it until later.

Full day ahead - lots of great leads to follow up and people to contact this morning and then this afternoon I've got to get to grips with starting to put together the magazine on Indesign from scratch again as my previous file has somehow become corrupted. No small job as there are more than 100 pages to put together into house style.

Hmmm, time to pick up the phone...