Thursday 2 September 2010

Bumper September Issues as local schools hold open days

Very excited as the magazines come back from the printers in a couple of days – and they’re bumper September issues! From September through to November is when the local private schools hold their Open Days, so lots of them are promoting this in the magazines as they know they go directly into their target market homes.

I can’t believe it’s September already – what started off as a promising sizzling summer ended up a damp squib instead. Even our longed-for break in France was rained on – so we got in lots of culture but not enough time by the pool!

I’ve got some great new contributors lined up for the magazine and am always interested to hear from locals – so if anyone’s got anything they think might be interesting for the local community do let me know.

I thought that news about the economy slowing down in the US might affect new sales, but the opposite seems to be true. Reminding businesses that locals can only use them if they know about them and that the most cost effective way to do this is to advertise in the magazines is obviously working has I’ve lots of new calls!

Lastly, congratulations to Samantha Hamp at Heavenly Green! Her lovely daughter, Holly, 15, has made it through to the regional finals of a national singing competition – and if she makes it through to the next round she’ll be singing at the O2 Arena! Not bad, says Samantha, as Holly as only ever sung before a live audience once before! Heavenly Green do the most brilliant beauty treatments in Kew (they’re on Kew Green) so if you haven’t been in before do try them out!
